I'm doing HoopTober

HoopTober is a month-long horror movie marathon in honour of the late film maker Tobe Hooper. You may know him for the directing of movies such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Poltergeist, a true horror master. HoopTober is an event that came to exist on the film logging website Letterboxd, created by user Cinemonster. The community has now reached its 4th year of HoopTober, and, sadly, it's first occurrence after the death of Tobe Hooper himself. This is also the first year I decided to participate

The challenge is to watch 31 movies in the month of October. Every participant creates their own watchlist based on a set of criteria. You can find the official HoopTober here.

The Challenge: 31 movies:
- 6 sequels
- 6 countries
- 6 decades
- 6 films from before 1970
- 6 films by a following film maker: Carpenter, Raimi, Whale, Browning, Craven, Tom Holland
- 3 films with people eating people (no zombies allowed)
- 1 Hammer film
- 1 Romero film from the Dead series
- 1 Terrible oversight (a movie selected from the best horror movies on letterboxd)
- 2 Tobe Hooper films

I thought I'd share my personal watchlist here.

1. Jennifer's Body (2009)
2. Candyman (1992)
3. Beware the Slenderman (2016)
4. The Mangler (1995)
5. Urban Legend (1998)
6. Hannibal (2001)
7. Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982)
8. Tales from the Crypt (1972)
9. Tales from the Crypt: The Vault of Horror (1973)
10. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
11. Häxan (1922)
12. The Evil Dead (1981)
13. Evil Dead 2 (1987)
14. The Funhouse (1981)
15. Funny Games (1997)
16. Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014)
17. Horns (2013)
18. Freaks (1932)
19. Dead Snow (2009)
20. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
21. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
22. Day of the Dead (1985)
23. Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
24. The Beast with Five Fingers (1946)
25. The Last house on the left (1972)
26. In the mouth of madness (1994)
27. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
28. Audition (1999)
29. Titicut Follies (1967)
30. The Signal (2007)
31. Creepshow (1982)
32. Trick 'r Treat (2007)
33. The Devil's Backbone (2001)

I think I've ended up with a pretty diverse list of horror movies, some of them are rewatches, but most of them I have not yet seen before. Are there any movies of these you guys have seen? What did you think of them? I am very excited to get watching.



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