
Showing posts from 2014

December To Read

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - J.K. Rowling: The film adaptation of this one is my favourite of all the Harry Potters, but I have not read the book again ever since I first read it as a child. I now finally own all the English versions of the Harry Potter novels, so I'm looking forward to read this one again after such a long time. Whispering to witches - Anna Dale: A magical reread for me this month. This is such a sweet beautiful little children's book, and the first English book I ever owned. A cute little book that will go perfectly with the cold days of December. The Empty Hand (De Wraak van de Sneeuwheks) - Catherine Fisher: The Snow Walker book series was one of my favourite series as a child and I hadn't read them for such a long time. I was very curious to know if they still hold up now I've read so many other magical childrens books, so last month I read the first of the series (The Snow Walker's Son) and really enjoyed it. Time to r...